November 27: HOPE Sunday, Advent/Labyrinth devotionals distributed, Children’s Moment during worship
December 4: PEACE Sunday
December 7: Wednesday Night Lights (5:30-7:00)- We will stuff stockings/baskets for the Colorado Christian Home and prepare meals for those who cannot come to church all while sharing a meal and holiday fellowship!
December 11: JOY Sunday, Children’s Moment during worship.
December 14: Wednesday Night Lights (5:30-7:00)- We will create finger labyrinths with Mary Kay in connection with our advent devotionals as we share in a meal.
December 18: LOVE Sunday
December 24: Christmas Eve Service (5:00 pm)- Bring your family and friends and celebrate the incarnation in a service of “Lessons and Carols!” The Worship Team will serve holiday treats, cocoa, and cider after the service.
December 25: Christmas Worship (10:00 am)- We will hear from three of our congregants on the meaning of worship and will sing Christmas carols in addition to celebrating communion.