Sunday School 9:00am Sunday Worship: 10:00am
2230 13th Street
Greeley, Colorado
Sunday School 9:00am
Sunday Worship: 10:00am

A message of reassurance….

Hello friends,

In this time of rapid fluctuations, along with no small amount of complex and confusing input related to COVID-19, your ministers and staff at FCC want to reassure you about some things that you can count on. These things will not change.

1. We remain committed to providing you with pastoral care, faith sustaining resources and practices, opportunities for worship, and opportunities to participate in our faith community. We are challenging ourselves to mobilize our creativity to find ways to meet those needs.

2. We continue to monitor local, state, and national recommendations and mandates. We’ll always base our decisions on those structures. We are balancing our need to protect one and another and contain this virus, while continuing to be church and meet the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

3. We are also committed to providing you with communication regarding what we are doing for you in this time. We will always be available via phone, text and email. Please know that we welcome you reaching out to us at any time.
If legal mandates change, and we have to adjust what we offer or how we offer it, we will let you know that right away.

4. We will continue to bring you online Sunday worship and Wednesday Night Lights each week. Sandy will be video-recording 30 minutes of new piano music at home each week that you can find on the website or Facebook page. Enjoy or use this music in your faith life as you see fit. The outdoor labyrinth will continue to be available for individuals to come to the labyrinth and pray in this way on Sunday mornings from 9:30-11:30 am. Mark, Judi, and Sandy will be outside with you at this time. We will limit ourselves to no more than ten individuals at a time, as per our state mandate. Should we have more than 10 people who arrive, we will ask some to wait in their cars until the number outside is 10 or less. Also, we will remind everyone as they come to practice the recommended virus containment measures:

A, Maintain at least 6 feet of physical distance from people
B. Practice frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizer
C. If you have any symptoms, stay home

We love you, God loves you and God is still at work.

Mark, Sandy, Judi