Sunday School 9:00am Sunday Worship: 10:00am
2230 13th Street
Greeley, Colorado
Sunday School 9:00am
Sunday Worship: 10:00am

A note from our ministry team

Friday, March 13, 2020

Dear Church,

We are writing to tell you that we and your leadership team decided last night to suspend ALL church activities through at least the end of the month. This means everything. We are facing something as both a community of faith and a world that none of us have ever experienced. We want to assure you that we will continue to be a loving faithful church in diaspora (a Bible word) that means dispersed. We will be doing our best to keep everyone connected and informed as to what is going on. Please note the following:

  • We will be checking phone messages a number of times a day. You may call our ministry team directly or contact the church office at (970) 352-1292.
  • Prayer requests can be sent by email to
  • If you have a need, i.e. transportation, food, loneliness, medical or anything else, please call.
  • Susan, Todd, Judi and Mark, will be working remotely. We will not be back at the building until it is clear that we are not at high risk.
  • We will be putting ongoing updates on the church website and Facebook page along with words of faith and encouragement.
  • Yes, we will be back together in our space when we are confident that it does not pose a risk.
  • Finally the financial needs of ministry will continue, so if you are able, please mail your tithes and offerings.

We remember Jesus’ statement to the disciples on the mount of transfiguration as they fell down in fear–He went over and touched them and said, “Stand up and don’t be afraid.” Let us not live in fear and take care of one another.

Pastor Mark and Judi