Sunday School 9:00am Sunday Worship: 10:00am
2230 13th Street
Greeley, Colorado
Sunday School 9:00am
Sunday Worship: 10:00am

Serve Day 2017

On Saturday, July 15, we will join with at least seven other Greeley churches to share God’s love by serving our community.  The day will begin at 9:00 am with a Launch Party at Rodarte Community Center (920 A St.). After a brief time of welcome and worship, volunteers will go out across the city, helping with a variety of projects at locations such as Weld Food Bank, Guadalupe Shelter, local schools, and more.  Serve Day projects will conclude by 2:00 pm.

Our church will host a group making HOPE Bags for the Greeley Police Department to distribute to teens and children. There also will be opportunities to assist members of our congregation with small projects. If you or someone you know could use some help around the house or yard, please contact Carla Ikenouye. Details about volunteer sign-up will be coming soon. It will be an exciting day in Greeley!