This Monday, Sept. 12, 9:30 am, is the first session of FCC-Thrive ‘s 4-week workshop, “Finding Our Way with GPS (Grief Positioning System).”
This workshop will explore the integration of grief and loss into the Golden Years. We will discuss not only loss of loved ones, but also loss of health, mobility, lifestyle, financial security, career, and other aspects of life that seniors may face. We will focus on a different topic each week:
Week One: Grief and its Posse
Week Two: Grief Doesn’t Have a Drive-Thru Option
Three: Fear Is a Four Letter Word
Four: Making Sense of Grief
The facilitator is Julie Miller, MA, LPC. Julie is the Counseling Coordinator for Hospice Care at Banner Health in Greeley. She has an extensive background in helping children, adolescents, adults and elders navigate through death, dying, and loss.
Sessions are free and open to all. You can attend any or all of the sessions.