Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ at First Christian Church of Greeley,
We are writing to share our plan for going forward through the COVID-19 pandemic. It appears that our community, state, and nation are moving into a very challenging resurgence of the virus. Friday’s Greeley Tribune reported 1000 new COVID cases in Weld County this week. All credible medical sources have asked all of us to do our best to help stop the spread of this virus.
Here are our current protocols addressing this situation:
- We will continue celebrating worship at 9 and 10:30 on Sunday mornings. We will limit the total to 50 people. Masks, social distancing, and hand sanitizer are required.
- We will dismiss worship services one row at a time, from back to front, and ask that you keep a safe distance and move conversations outdoors.
- No FCC groups will meet in the church building until further notice.
- We hope to soon offer members KN95 masks to help protect ourselves and others.
- We will be increasing our online ministry presence with creative, informative, and inspirational presentations.
- We will continue to monitor the situation week by week, and we are prepared to return to all-virtual worship as needed.
- We will always place the safety and care of the congregation first as any and all adjustments are made.
Whatever you decide about any in-person participation is unconditionally honored and supported. Your safety is paramount to all of us. We so appreciate your amazing support and resilience as we walk together in these challenging times.
Mark, on behalf of the staff and the Priorities, Mission, Values Team