Sunday School 9:00am Sunday Worship: 10:00am
2230 13th Street
Greeley, Colorado
Sunday School 9:00am
Sunday Worship: 10:00am

Worship Opportunities for Sunday, March 15

1. Try an online worship experience through our Disciples online church:

2. Join Pastor Mark Pumphrey, Mary Kay Pumphrey, and Judi Ring in worshiping in our labyrinth located on the south side of our building by our entrance from 10:00-11:00. You will have an opportunity to take communion*.

3. Sandy Varley, our music coordinator, will be playing music on the piano and organ in the Sanctuary of the church from 10:00-11:00*.

4. Submit prayer requests by email to

* In order to protect all that are involved, for the activities at the church, we ask that you:
• Clean your hands prior to coming
• Do not attend if you are not feeling well
• Respect a 6-foot social distance from all others. Do not gather in groups, shake hands, nor sit close to others.

Sandy Varley of Living Rock Counseling (located in FCC Greeley at the east end of the Education Wing) is offering open office hours from 11-12am for anyone needing help processing the stresses from the current situation.