Welcome to our Fall season of Extravagant Generosity. It’s an exciting time for us to be celebrating the riches that God has given us. Throughout the next several weeks, we’ll be emailing a weekly devotional related to Extravagant Generosity to everyone. Please feel free to pass these Devotionals along to anyone you like—one way to share the wealth!
The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith.” The Lord replied, “If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea’ and it would obey you.” Luke 17:5-10.
A little bit goes a long way. Absolutely true, if we’re talking about horseradish or Tobasco Sauce, right? According to Scripture from last Sunday, the same thing is true with faith. Even faith as small as a mustard seed can cause the impossible to happen. Tell a tree to replant itself into the sea and it will? Move a mountain? What? Yes, the smallest amount of God’s spirit in us does amazing things, even when we act on it in small ways.
A little bit is also powerful in giving. Every year we prove this in our baby bottle giving activity. Baby bottles are given out on Mother’s Day. We fill them with loose change and bring them back in to the church on Father’s Day. Each of us takes that little loose change that likely we never even miss, and the next thing you know, it turns into all kinds of wonderful supplies for kids in tough places.
This year, our Extravagant Generosity leaders are asking each of us to pray for God’s leading as we consider giving at least a little bit more during 2020. Like our loose change, if we all give a little more of ourselves, that little bit extra will in turn make wonderful things happen for God, together.
Prayer for today,
Holy One,
Giver of abundant gifts,
We have received much more than we could imagine.
May what we have been given be shared generously
so that others will also experience the fullness of your kindness.
The Extravagant Generosity Team