Sunday School 9:00am Sunday Worship: 10:00am
2230 13th Street
Greeley, Colorado
Sunday School 9:00am
Sunday Worship: 10:00am

Latest News (Page 3)

Join Our Ministry Team

We invite you to join our ministry team to help extend the hands and feet of Jesus to our community. We are in need of a variety of talents and skills and invite you to join us where you have passion. Some specific areas where we would welcome your talent and skills are in the…

Cold Weather Shelter Meal – November 21

The Housing Navigation Center operates an overnight shelter during the winter season for adults living out of doors. First Christian Church is scheduled to serve dinner on Thursday, November 21, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Four volunteers are needed. Talk to Diana Laws if you would like to sign up to serve on November 21 and/or later…

This Week’s Sermon Posting

We invite you to join us each Sunday morning at 10:00 am to worship the Lord in community. Not able to make it because you were you sick, busy, or traveling and didn’t have time to make it to church? THIS WEEK’S (October 27) SERMON WILL BE POSTED ON OCTOBER 28. You may experience your…

This Week’s Sermon Posting

We invite you to join us each Sunday morning at 10:00 am to worship the Lord in community. Not able to make it because you were you sick, busy, or traveling and didn’t have time to make it to church? THIS WEEK’S (October 20) SERMON WILL BE POSTED ON OCTOBER 28. You may experience your…

AI & ChatGPT?

Come one, come all! Join us for a delicious breakfast, hosted and prepared by the Men’s Coffee Hour group, on October 12 at 8:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Vince will be giving an engaging presentation on AI and ChatGPT. This is a great opportunity to invite friends, family, and neighbors to enjoy good…